South by South West (SXSW)

Here is my submission for South by South West! Help a guy out we need all the votes we can get. If you like the idea vote it up!

Cyber Warfare a Spectrum of Conflict Changing Communication and Society

Your vote:Yes
Interactive 2010
Community / Online Community, Government and Technology, New Technology / Next Generation, Social Networking
Samuel Liles, Purdue University Calumet
  1. What is cyber warfare?
  2. We wage war on land, sea, air, and in space why not in “cyber space”?
  3. The most dangerous weapon on the modern battlefield is the human mind, in cyber warfare what does that mean to have many minds?
  4. Can collaborative modern web communities be weaponized and used against their will?
  5. The modern society continues to revalue cyber space, but if it is a limitless resource why would we fight over it?
  6. Why is cyber warfare important to talk about?
  7. Who can wage cyber warfare and are the barriers to entry rising or lowering?
  8. What does the average person need to know, and what does the digital native really need to know about cyber warfare?
  9. When is cyber warfare not war and when should we be really worried about it not being war?
  10. Information security a football team only playing defense in the cyber warfare realm what is wrong with this picture?
If the Internet and the world wide web have changed the way we communicate why would we be surprised if conflict between people is changing? Cyber warfare is a spectrum of conflict from hacktivism to tragedy. When the social sphere of the Internet takes notice the power of protest explodes, but is it cyber warfare?

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