This week in cyber conflict: June 13th to June 17th

It appears that national governments have started rounding up hackers for prosecution. This is an interesting development but not unexpected. It will be interesting to see what kind of evidence is used. It is not lost upon the aware observer that a large number of these attacks are social justice driven and politically motivated cyber attacks putting them squarely into the realm of civil disobedience and insurgency.

The news over the weekend and into Tuesday was filled with discussion about Panetta and his comment about cybergeddon and Pearl Harbor Internet scenarios. The more I see the cases being made against his assertion the more I realize people don’t understand how interconnected all of this “stuff” really is…  The LulzSec attacks on Bethesda (to show my lame gamer chops I was like “who?”) and start out the weeks volume of stories. Later in the week an attack on the website may or may not have been a hoax. This just adds to the intrigue of current understanding in government security practices.

The end of the week shaped up with China responding with fairly hostile comments towards United States cyber aggression. I’m left with a feeling that much of the cyber hysteria is a an element of the defense industrial base (DIB) trying to ramp up a peer competitor arms race in the waning days of the war on terrorism. There is nothing like shrinking federal defense budgets to get the DIB looking for a new monkey to gore (mixing metaphors is better than martinis). The China hacks everything, blame China, stories just smack of Iraq and weapons of mass destruction. The arguments are structured with nearly the same sort of fallacious fear mongering. That doesn’t mean I think China is innocent, but I am watching the communication effort and wondering, “What the heck?”

There is an interesting scare monger story (Reuters) on Thursday about 360,000 customers being hacked, but really one company got hacked and 360K customers data was exposed. This is an excellent example of “personification” where the agent of risk tries to transfer the risk through misdirection. The same story has a slightly different headline spin when it details CitiBank being hacked (International Business Times).

Monday June 13th

Panetta Voices Concern About Cyber Warfare Threat: Video
Washington Post
June 10 (Bloomberg) — Leon Panetta, US defense secretary nominee, testified at his confirmation hearing yesterday that the next ‘Pearl Harbor’ could be a cyber attack. Megan Hughes, on Bloomberg Television’s “In The Loop,” reports the US financial 
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Codemasters Under Cyber Attack, Customer Data Compromised
UK games developer Codemasters has had its servers hacked, with hackers stealing personal information on thousands of people. According to the company, the attack which took place on June 3, targeted personal user information like names, addresses, 
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Anonymous Hackers Arrested In The Heat of Cyber War
IBTimes Hong Kong
Friday, Spain police reportedly arrested three alleged members of the “hacktivist” group Anonymous, a high-profile hacker group, for allegedly taking part in online attacks against Sony’s PlayStation Network, as well as other infiltrations of banks, 
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FOX News Radio
“A: Change your card out. B: Monitor your emails and when you start seeing suspicious emails coming from your banks asking for more information – just delete them… the banks will notify you via snail mail – so just delete those things… but also,
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FOX News Radio
A Call for Cyber War Restraint
IT Business Edge (blog)
A lot of business and IT folks go home at night wondering why the US government isn’t more aggressive about cyber criminals specifically and cyber warfare in general. After all, it is US businesses that are the digital frontlines of these attacks and 
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Cyber Attack Steals $139000 from Pittsford, NY
eSecurity Planet
By eSecurityPlanet Staff Thieves recently stole at least $139000 from the online bank account of the Town of Pittsford. “The theft is the latest reminder of the widening gap between the sophistication of organized cyber thieves and the increasingly 
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The Business Of Simulated Cyber Attacks
Wall Street Journal (blog)
Its software can automate a cyber attack — a powerful proposition for companies that want to learn their own vulnerabilities, but potentially very dangerous in the wrong hands. Customers, which range from companies like Citigroup Inc. and Microsoft 
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CEH Certification is Leaving Hackers with a Thirst for the Next Level of Training
Online PR News (press release)
Popular courses for such training include the ECSA/LPT, Cyber War, and Mobile Hacking courses. Online PR News – 10-June-2011 –The leading training company for Certified Ethical Hacker, or CEH certification, Advanced Security by the Academy of Computer 
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Citigroup soaring on high-profile Data breach victim
Industry Leaders Magazine
The fact that this cyber attack took place, despite the multiple security measures already put in place by Citigroup’s database departments, caused Sheila C. Bair, head of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, to urge banks to strengthen their 
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Industry Leaders Magazine
IMF Computer System Hit by Foreign Cyber-Attack
The International Monetary Fund’s computer system was targeted by hackers, believed to be connected to a foreign government, who retrieved e-mails and other documents, according to a person familiar with the attack. The incident occurred before former 
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Spanish police website hit by cyber attack: report
Access was also temporarily blocked to the websites of Spain’s state employment agencies INEM and SEPE, El Mundo said, but cited the Labor Ministry as saying this was due to maintenance problems and not related to a cyber-attack
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Umno Needs To Create More Systematic ‘Cyber Warfare Unit’ – Ahmad Zahid
BENTONG, June 12 (Bernama) — Umno needs to create a more systematic and efficient ‘cyber warfare unit’ to counter issues brought up by the opposition over the Internet, said Umno vice-president Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi. 
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IMF becomes latest known target of major cyber attack
nations, has become the latest known target of a significant cyber attack on its computer systems. A cybersecruty expert who has worked for both the Washington-headquartered IMF and the World Bank, its sister institution, said the intruders’ goal had 
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Computer virus and who you gonna call? Digital ants!
The policy notes that a cyber attack could generate a military response. “If you shut down our power grid, maybe we will put a missile down one of your smokestacks,” one military official noted. Three defense officials who have read the document 
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Nation / World briefs: June 12
Knoxville News Sentinel
NEW YORK – The International Monetary Fund was recently the target of what computer experts described as a large and sophisticated cyber attack, The New York Times reported Saturday. The scope and significance of the attack remain unknown, 
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IMF attack goal said to be network ‘insider presence’
Jerusalem Post
By REUTERS WASHINGTON – The goal of the cyber attack at the International Monetary Fund was to install software that would give a nation state a “digital insider presence” on the network, a cybersecurity expert who has worked for the IMF and World Bank 
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The Alarming Growth of Global Cyber Menace – Hacking
Asian Tribune
When gmail accounts of some of the US state officials were hacked two weeks ago, the Defence Department categorized any serious cyber attack, as an act of war. Since Google had tracked down the source of the attack to a certain province in China, 
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Rapid Fire: 2011-06-12
Defense Industry Daily
Yet Panetta’s comments that the “next Pearl Harbor could be a cyber-attack” did not escape criticism. According to Danger Room, many cybersecurity experts see a cyber-attack from another state as highly unlikely. Instead, waiting for a cyber Pearl 
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IMF cyber attack boosts calls for global action
Both Western and emerging powers have plowed funding into cyber warfare capabilities, with China, Russia and smaller states believed to see it as an area in which they can challenge the conventional military superiority of the United States. 
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Cyber attack: Games industry hit Nintendo and Epic issue warnings
International Business Times
By Alastair Stevenson | June 13, 2011 9:35 AM GMT Attendees wait in line at the Nintendo display at the E3 Media & Business Summit in Los Angeles on June 15, 2010. The warning is still up on Nintendo’s site and indicates that it suffered multiple 
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International Business Times
The Fog of Cyber War: What Are the Rules of Engagement?
Scientific American
By Larry Greenemeier | June 13, 2011 CYBER OFFENSIVE: Politicians, pundits and security experts disagree as to whether the age of cyber warfare us upon us. That has not stopped countries, including the United States, from making preparations. 
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Scientific American
Spanish police website hit by cyber attack: report
In a separate development, the International Monetary Fund became the latest known target of a major cyber attack on Saturday. Jeff Moss, a self-described computer hacker and member of the Department of Homeland Security Advisory Committee, 
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Turkey detains 32 hackers suspected of links to global cyber attack group 
Washington Post
By AP, ANKARA, Turkey — Turkey’s state-run news agency says police have detained 32 suspected computer hackers, allegedly linked to an international activist group that targeted a government website to protest Turkey’s plans to introduce Internet 
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Richard Falkenrath Interview on IMF Cyber-Attack
June 13 (Bloomberg) — Richard Falkenrath, a principal at Chertoff Group and Bloomberg Television contributing editor, talks about the cyber-attack on the International Monetary Fund’s computer system and a cyber-crime “pattern” emerging. 
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IMF Said to Be Targeted in State-Based Cyber Attack
Washington Post
June 13 (Bloomberg) — The International Monetary Fund’s computer system was targeted by hackers, believed to be connected to a foreign government, resulting in the loss of a “large quantity” of data, including e-mails and other documents, according to 
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It’s (Cyber) War! Pentagon Ramps-Up Cyberwar Plans
Pacific Free Press
As the Obama administration expands Bush-era surveillance programs over the nation’s electronic communications’ infrastructure, recent media reports provide tantalizing hints of Pentagon plans for waging cyberwar against imperialism’s geopolitical 
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Big Questions About Cyberwar
The Pentagon is expected to announce a cyberstrategy this month; is a cyberattack on the US an act of war? By John Dix, NetworkWorld The Pentagon is expected to announce a cyberstrategy this month that concludes a cyberattack on the US can be an act of 
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Noon News: iPhone To Get Voice Recognition, Apple Sued Over iCloud, IMF Under 
The International Monetary Fund has been hit by a large, sophisticated and potentially state-sponsored cyber attack. The IMF failed to release details on the nature and extent of the attack, but security experts believe that the cyber attack could have 
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Tuesday June 14th

IMF State-Backed Cyber-Attack Follows Hacks of Lab, G-20
This year, the Group of 20 and Oak Ridge National Laboratory have also come under cyber-attack. The person said the intrusion was state-based, without saying which government is thought to be behind it. The Washington-based IMF approved a record $91.7 
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Cyber attack: LulzSec go for twofer hacking US Senate and Bethesda Softworks
International Business Times
By Alastair Stevenson | June 14, 2011 9:32 AM GMT The loose-knit hacking collective LulzSec, which is responsible for numerous recent attacks on several big-name games developers including Sony and Nintendo, yesterday released two statements on its 
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International Business Times
LulzSec hackers ‘break-in to US Senate computers’: Cyber attack could be ‘next 
Daily Mail
The news came as CIA director Leon Panetta warned a large-scale cyber attack that could take down power, finance, security and governmental systems is a ‘real possibility’. Stewart Baker, a former cyber official at the Department of Homeland Security, 
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Daily Mail
Mobile Malware and Cyber Warfare
CIO Magazine
Meanwhile, the sophistication of Stuxnet — a nasty piece of code that infected a nuclear power facility — has alarmed researchers who believe governments are stockpiling tools for cyberwar. Looking ahead, it seems a cataclysmic Cloud failure is just 
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Y-12 resists cyber attack
Knoxville News Sentinel
“No personal information was impacted by this cyber attack,” Wyatt said. The federal spokesman also said the attack at Y-12 was different than an “advanced persistent threat” – the aggressive, sophisticated type of attack that hit Oak Ridge National 
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Estonia training Nato ‘techies’ for cyberwar
cyber attack on the European Commission earlier this year also saw the finger pointed at China. Lack of proper ‘cyber hygiene’ – using webmail for confidential exchanges and confusion over who is responsible for securing the network – often makes it 
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Major Cyber Attack On IMF – Ovum
There is no magic bullet to prevent a cyber attack. Most information theft attacks are launched through an internet facing application in the corporate gateway, attacking vulnerabilities in applications using relatively predictable strategies such as 
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The next big thing, cyberwar, could have an impact on us all tech talk nick 
Wilkes Barre Times-Leader
The concept is called cyberwar, and if you listen to some security analysts, it is being waged, likely at this very minute, against us, by China and perhaps Russia, and by us, against those same two powers. And most people are totally unaware of it 
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Wilkes Barre Times-Leader
Cyber Attack Breaches, Takes Offline DOE Y12 National Security Complex Website
Forbes (blog)
By SEAN LAWSON A cyber attack that some are attributing to the hacking group, Lulz Security, has breached the database behind the website of the Department of Energy’s Y12 National Security Complex, which is located several miles from DOE’s Oak Ridge 
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Forbes (blog)
Panetta Is Wrong: The Next Pearl Harbor Will Not Be a Cyber Attack
But in order to seriously devastate the United States, to kill thousands of Americans and cripple our military as Pearl Harbor did, a cyber attack would need to be coupled with a military attack. And the only entities cable of launching that kind of 
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Wednesday June 15th

The Circuit: Ex-WH press secretary to Facebook; US, China need cyber attack
Washington Post (blog)
By Hayley Tsukayama LEADING THE DAY: Facebook has hired former Clinton White House press secretary Joe Lockhart as its vice president of global communications, The Washington Post reported. Lockhart will be based at Facebook’s Silicon Valley 
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IMF (International Monetary Fund) Snared By Major Cyber Attack
Dice News
The latest organization which has fallen prey to an imperative cyber attack is none other than The International Monetary Fund, the intergovernmental group which keeps an eye on the global financial system, bringing together a total of 187 member 
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iFive: Pandora Prices IPO, China-US Cyber War?, Color Loses Founder, Next-Gen 
Fast Company
The Cold Cyber War just got real. 3. Color, the highly lauded then criticized social photo sharing startup has apparently lost its president and founder Peter Pham, less than three months after the company launched with a huge $41 million venture 
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Fast Company
Israel Vulnerable to Cyber Attack, Leaders Warn
MIT Technology Review
A conference on cyber warfare in Tel Aviv reveals Israel’s weaknesses—but a strategy to solve them is already in hand. By Matthew Kalman The outgoing head of Israel’s internal security service Shin Bet and the head of the country’s cyber task force, 
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Cyber warfare against Iran will inflict heavy defeat on West’
Tehran Times
TEHRAN – Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Ramin Mehmanparast has said that the United States will suffer a heavy defeat if it wages a cyber warfare against Iran. Mehmanparast made the remarks during his weekly press briefing on Tuesday in response 
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WA Govt open to cyber attack
The West Australian
An audit of 15 agencies found none had adequate systems or processes to detect, manage or appropriately respond to a cyber attack. The audit involved simulated hostile attacks on agency systems. Fourteen of the 15 agencies failed to detect the attacks. 
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Keystroke of Infamy: How Business Benefits from the Pentagon’s Cyberwar
Forbes (blog)
By RICHARD LEVICK Later this month, the Pentagon will release a document articulating US policy on cyberwar, including guidelines on when and how the military would respond to acts of cybersabotage. If the government’s public communications in the last 
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Games sales hit five year low: LulzSec cyber attacks key factor?
International Business Times
LulzSec first targeted Sony just as the company was coming out of its previous PSNcyber-attack troubles. The group originally targeted Sony’s pictures entertainment website citing the company network’s continuing weakness and mishandling of the PSN 
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International Business Times
Malaysia braces for threatened cyber attack on govt website
Jerusalem Post
By REUTERS KUALA LUMPUR – Malaysia has beefed up security ahead of a threatened hacking attack of its official government website by internet vigilante group Anonymous for government acts of censorship and will track down the activists, 
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Bethesda Softworks Suffers Cyber-attack
MyCompanyPR (press release)
Recently, online game publisher Bethesda Softworks suffered cyber-attack from the Lulz Sec, the group that has claimed responsibility for a series of high profile attacks including those on US Senate and Sony Pictures. 
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Thursday June 16th

China military paper urges steps against US cyber war threat
By Chris Buckley BEIJING, June 16 (Reuters) – China must boost its cyber-warfare strength to counter a Pentagon push, the country’s top military newspaper said on Thursday after weeks of friction over accusations that Beijing may have launched a string 
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LulzSec cyber attack on US CIA possible hoax
International Business Times
By Alastair Stevenson | June 16, 2011 12:19 PM GMT Since claiming responsibility for a successful cyber attack on the US CIA’s website the hacker collective LulzSec has since tweeted that not all comments made on its Twitter page are official 
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International Business Times
Cyber-attack on local websites can last for days
Malay Mail
KUALA LUMPUR: The cyber attacks on several government-related websites are expected to last for several days, said Chief Executive Officer of Cybersecurity Malaysia Lt Col. (R) Husin Jazri. He said the attackers were targeting web applications that 
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Citi says 360000 customers hacked in May cyber attack
NEW YORK (Reuters) – Citigroup Inc said a cyber attack in May affected over 360000 of its customers, or almost twice the initial number that the bank’s figures had suggested. After a week of being pressured over its delayed disclosure of the data 
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Fighting Internet Threats: Germany Arms Itself for Cyber War
Spiegel Online
Last week, the IMF became one of the latest institutions to be forced to admit it had been the victim of a cyber attack. The New York Times reported that the IMF’s computer systems, which contain highly classified data about the financial situation of
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Spiegel Online
Cyber security: Bioware suffer cyber attack forums hacked
International Business Times
2011 9:38 AM GMT As the hacker collective LulzSec continues its cyber-rampage across the world, adding to the growing list of games companies hacked, RPG giant Bioware has today released a statement confirming a recent cyber attack on its website. 
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International Business Times
Richard Clarke: Obama Lags vs. China Cyber War
By Martin Gould The Obama administration is failing in its duty to protect the country from the threat of a Chinese cyber attack, former counter-terrorism czar Richard Clarke warned in a Wall Street Journal Op-Ed. “Congress hasn’t passed a single piece 
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Cyber Attack on ANF News Agency
The website of the F?rat News Agency is subject to a cyber attack that made access temporarily impossible. The site can currently be reached under The F?rat News Agency (ANF) was hit by a new wave of cyber attacks. 
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Financial, Gaming, and Government Websites Suffer Cyber-attack
MyCompanyPR (press release)
Websites of EVE Online, CCP Games, Minecraft, League of Legends, and Escapist magazine are the latest victims of distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks by cyber-attack group Lulz Sec. The attack group also targeted the website of Central 
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Cyber Security: Citibank hack 360000 customers card details compromised
International Business Times
By Alastair Stevenson | June 16, 2011 9:10 AM GMT Since claiming that only one per cent of its 21 million customers were affected by the recently revealed cyber attack its suffered, Citibank has since revealed that as many as 360000 of its customers 
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Friday June 17th

cyberwar waged by an army of Julian Assanges
Malaysia Kini
How do you fight him in this cyberwar? By doing the opposite of what he expects you to do: be transparent and be open. When information is out in the open, what else can he reveal? Anonymous_5fb: I am ‘amazed’ with the speed the IGP (inspector-general 
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Chinese military warns of US cyberwar threat
CNET (blog)
At this point, it seems that both sides are focusing on what Clarke calls “active defense,” a term that he says the Pentagon uses to mean “offense,” amid a “daily guerrilla cyberwar” between the two countries. There’s no telling where the cyberwar
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CNET (blog)
Pentagon Concerned About Terrorists’ Cyberwar Capabilities
Neither America nor its international partners have faced a true cyber attack from a nation state — the kind that generates severe economic or physical damage — but, the “more immediate concern” is the threat of a terrorist group developing 
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Next simulated defense drill will include cyber attack on power plant
By Anshel Pfeffer Next week’s national civil defense exercise, Turning Point 5, will include a simulated cyber attack on strategic infrastructure – the Orot Rabin power station in Hadera. The simulated attack on the plant’s computer system will force 
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Cyber-attack on Australian Domain Registrar Puts Thousands of Websites at Risk (press release)
Cyber-intrusion at Distribute.IT, one of the Australian and International domain name registrar has put at risk thousands of Australian websites. The website of the company was defaced and indicates that an attacker, who identifies himself as ‘Evil’,
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Bioware hacked: Seven major game developers now victims of cyber attacks
International Business Times
By Alastair Stevenson | June 16, 2011 4:11 PM GMT Today games company Bioware revealed that it had fallen victim to a successful cyber attack against its Neverwinter Nights forums, bringing the total number of games companies hacked to seven. 
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International Business Times
Citigroup Releases Additional Details On Cyber Attack
NY Convergence
After a week of being pressured for its delayed disclosure of the cyber attack that allegedly affected around 200000 users, Citigroup has stated that the number is closer to 360000. According to Reuters, the breach was initially detected on May 1oth,
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Sony hacker claims responsibility for CIA website shutdown
AHN | All Headline News
CIA did not confirm the cyber attack, but admitted their public website had some technical problems for a short period on Wednesday night and added that the issued have been resolved. Lulz Security, the hacker group behind the Sony website breaches, 
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