This week in cyber conflict: July 25th – July 29th

 This week seemed to have some interesting themes. I do think it is interesting that the one theme that has been missing is on how the federal government looming default has not been considered by the pundits as a cyber incident. It should be interesting to see how the possible default by the federal government impacts computer security and cyber warfare. I can see a few aspects where the incident is used by third parties for fishing attacks, malware attacks, and other forms of social engineering that are normal for any major incident.

Another element that might be seen is if a government default happens the shrinking population of government workers and contractors might not be able to protect the networks. Though the number of users will likely decrease the reality is that the span of control in systems will remain the same and the risk profile will be much higher.

This weeks news has some interesting highlights. There are contradictory narrative threads on the Sony attack. In one direction of discussions the cost appears to be shrinking. In the other direction the cost to Sony seems to be increasing. The things being measured are different, but the fact that the threads aren’t being coordinated suggest a significant amount of misunderstanding the totality of the incident. I like to refer to this as TCE 0r total cost of exploit. There are a variety of other scholars that refer to things like total cost of loss, or total incident cost.

Finally the week closed out with more discussion about specific kinds of attacks and follow up stories. It seems that friday is the day that editors clean off the rest of the weeks stories and toss them out for weekend discussion. Pretty quiet over all this week when compared to the previous weeks.
Monday July 25th

IMF ‘may never know’ who mounted cyber attack
WASHINGTON — The International Monetary Fund said Friday it may be impossible to identify who mounted a cyber attack on its computer files in May, after a Bloomberg report suggested it was China. “We are not prepared to finger-point at this time. 
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Here, There Be Dragons
National Journal
The cyberwar threat is being hyped because of a fear of unknown dangers. The biggest threat of all may come from our own overreaction. By Michael Hirsh Cyber morph: Traditional defense contractors such as Lockheed Martin are setting up shop as 
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Anonymous Claims NATO Cyber Attack is Ongoing
eSecurity Planet
By eSecurityPlanet Staff A member of Anonymous recently told CBS News that the group’s attack on NATO is continuing. “According to the alleged member, who uses the name ‘Commander X,’ the ‘hacktivist’ group still has access to NATO servers and is 
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A crime wave in cyberspace
Washington Post
Former director of national intelligence Mike McConnell declares that the United States is “fighting acyber war, and we’re losing.” Every new hack brings more pronouncements of network doom. The scare talk, however, is misplaced. 
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Sony Insurer Says ‘No Thanks’ To Data Breach Lawsuit Coverage
By Stefanie Hoffman, CRN Sony’s insurance company is trying to wriggle out of forking over cash for mounting legal claims against the electronics giant related to a massive cyber attack and data breach earlier this year. Zurich American Insurance 
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FBI’s Top Ten News Stories for the Week Ending July 22, 2011
Federal Bureau of Investigation (press release)
Fourteen individuals were arrested on charges related to their alleged involvement in a cyber attackon PayPal’s website as part of an action claimed by the group Anonymous. Two additional defendants were arrested on other cyber-related charges. 
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Cyberwar Hysteria Aids Consultants, Hurts U.S.: Susan Crawford
San Francisco Chronicle
He voices concern that the US “is fighting a cyber-war today, and we are losing.” Even ordinarily reasonable Senator Susan Collins uses this kind of language, warning of a “digital Pearl Harbor” in a recent Washington Post op-ed written with Senator 
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Still Recovering from Largest Cyber Attack on Record, US Military Creates 
Forbes (blog)
By WILLIAM PENTLAND The US Department of Defense is deploying a new “Cyber Unit” to defend strategic assets and systems against the rising tide of cyber attacks. In a briefing about the new effort, William Lynn, Deputy Defense Secretary, 
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Forbes (blog)
Zurich American Denys Insurance Payout, Says Sony Data Breach not Covered
Zurich American Insurance, one of Sony’s insurers, has filed a lawsuit in New York, asking the courts to declare that it is not liable to help Sony with the losses incurred by the cyber attack on its PSN services. The company believes that it was not 
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Government still needs to ‘improve’
The Age
The report discusses the results of cyber war games last year called Cyber Storm, which simulated a large-scale international cyber security incident. Citing ”gaps” in the cyber security procedures of both government and industry, the report’s author 
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Agenzia Giornalistica Italia
(AGI) Rome – The Anonymous hackers have explained on their website their cyber-attack on the Italian Postal Police and the publication of thousands of documents. The statement says, “Today we accessed a Pandora’s vase of information from Italian 
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Tuesday July 26th

The Cyber-War Has Begun
Big Think (blog)
Because cyber war defies the conventions of physical war. “Deterrence and arms treaties are but philosophical concepts when invisible weapons are involved. Assigning certain blame for an attack may be impossible when it’s conducted through computers in 
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Cuber Warfare in the Spotlight (press release)
Cyber warfare has been a topic of significant discussion as of late. The Executive Orders signed by President Obama along with the public version of DoD’s Cyber Operating Strategy has heightened public debate. Cyber warfare, cyber terrorism, 
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Wednesday July 27th

Police say cyber attack threatens Australia’s infrastructure
ABC Online
SIMON SANTOW: Assistant commissioner Gaughan insists the NBN’s infrastructure was and continues to be secure from cyber attack. The AFP is planning to conduct what’s known as a forensic examination of the alleged hacker’s computers. 
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Cyber attack on RSA cost EMC $66 million
Washington Post (blog)
By Hayley Tsukayama The compromising of information on almost 40 million RSA security tokens, which protect sensitive military and financial networks, was a major cyber attack. (MICHAEL CARONNA) In its earnings call Tuesday, EMC disclosed that it spent 
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Cyber attack on Internet safety guru Parry Aftab could be linked to ‘Jessie
BY ALICIA CRUZ Hackers decided to launch another prank aimed at an Internet security campaigner, Parry Aftab, using a computer and a cloned phone number to call in a bogus hostage and murder situation to 911 authorities on Sunday. 
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US network security must be private-public partnership: experts
China Post
An explosion in threats against the US online networks has led the Pentagon to develop a cyberwarstrategy and states to open cyber security offices. The Pentagon revealed recently that it sustained, earlier this year, one of its largest-ever losses of 
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General calls steep budget cuts risky
Edmonton Journal
The general named to be chief of the US military said Tuesday that steep budget cuts posed risks as the United States faces challenges from Afghanistan to Pakistan to the new realm of cyber war. Gen. Martin Dempsey, whose four-decade career has taken 
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Anonymous and LulzSec’s PayPal boycott campaign gathers momentum.
Earlier this month the FBI arrested 14 people accused of involvement in last year’s cyber-attack on PayPal’s Web site by Anonymous in retaliation for the company’s closure of a donation account for Wikileaks. Anonymous has teamed with LulzSec under the 
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US military chief nominee warns Iran
At his confirmation hearing, General Martin Dempsey pledged to guide the world’s most powerful military through a new era of tighter budgets and challenges such as cyber war. He promised to carry out orders for a drawdown in Afghanistan and to keep up 
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Thursday July 28th

South Korean Social Websites Suffers Huge Cyber-Attack
International Business Times
However, SK was unable to identify when the information was hacked or who was behind the cyber attack. Information accessed included passwords, mobile phone numbers, and email addresses, according to the company. South Korean police said they will 
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International Business Times
Sony: PSN cyber attack bill shrinking
The financial impact of the PlayStation Network “cyber attack” will “not be be as great as we originally estimated”, Sony has this morning revealed. In May, Sony estimated that costs associated with the PSN cyber attack would be 14 billion yen (£105 
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Jax Man 1 Of 14 Arrested In Cyber Attack
WJXT Jacksonville
A man from Jacksonville is one of 14 people arrested in connection with a cyber attack that crippled several popular websites around the world. FBI agents said they arrested Keith Downey as part of the international hacking group, dubbed Anonymous. 
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Nasdaq under ‘constant cyber attack
The operator of the Nasdaq Stock Market is “under constant attack” from would-be hackers and will spend more on security as a result, its top executive said. “As we sit here, there are people trying to slam into our system every day,” Robert Greifeld, 
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Symantec Shines on Security Fears
(TheStreet — The growing fear of a debilitating cyber attack helped drive strong first-quarter results from Symantec(SYMC) after market close on Wednesday. The security and storage specialist also offered robust guidance on the strength of continued 
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Cyber Security Agreement Pact Unites India-US
SPAMfighter News
Under an agreement signed between the US and India, both the countries will be responsible for maintaining cyber security jointly, owing to the prevalent cyber attacks including terrorists cyber attack, reports siliconindia News on July 19, 2011. 
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‘Iran fully monitors cyberspace’
Press TV
He went on to say US President Barack Obama has admitted that the cyber waragainst Iran has not been successful. Obama made the remark in a US Congress session questioning him on Washington’s cyber performance, as well as on a number of other 
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Press TV
Sony Q1 financials hit by double whammy
By Sara Yirrell Japanese electronics giant Sony’s latest financials have revealed the extent of the PlayStation Network cyber attack scandal and the earthquake/tsunami double whammy. For the quarter ended 30 June 2011, the firm had a 60 per cent drop 
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Friday July 29th

South Korean Police Probing Country’s Worst-Ever Cyber Attack
Voice of America
July 29, 2011 South Korean Police Probing Country’s Worst-Ever Cyber Attack Steve Herman | Seoul South Korean authorities and online security analysts say they are assessing the extent of damage caused by what may be the largest data breach in the 
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Is it time for the Pentagon to turn cyberwar over to someone else?
In a long-awaited evaluation of DoD’s digital security and warfare capabilities, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) reported July 25 that the DoD began taking cyberwar seriously only during the past two or three years, after ignoring warnings 
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The Coming Cyberwar
The National Interest Online
Despite having had decades to absorb the implications of a range of advances in information technology, the US government remains largely unprepared for cyberwar. A case in point is provided by the Pentagon, which has just released its security policy
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The National Interest Online
This is cyber-war!
It is threatened by cyber-warfare. To paraphrase Carl von Clausewitz, cyber-warfare is a corruption of the digital medium that disrupts human activity in order to compel one’s enemies to conform to one’s will. As agents that produce or transmit 
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EMC £40m out of pocket after cyber attack
by Stuart Sumner Storage firm EMC admitted this week that this year’s cyber attackon its RSA Security division cost it $66m (£40m). According to a report in the Washington Post, the money was spent attempting to identify the source of the attack,
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LiveJournal Hit by Massive Cyber Attack
eSecurity Planet
By eSecurityPlanet Staff “The outages began on Tuesday, but the company didn’t release a statement until yesterday when it confirmed it was the target of an attack,” writes Softpedia’s Lucian Constantin. “‘We can now publicly disclose that we have been 
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Swatting: The Next Generation of Cyber Attacks
BrickHouse Security Blog (blog)
This service has been gaining media coverage for its role in the News of the World voicemail hacking scandal, and now it seems that hackers are using call spoofing to launch a new breed of cyber attack; and not the type that gets your passwords stolen,
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BrickHouse Security Blog (blog)
Church Web sites hacked
Toledo Blade
All of the church Web sites affected by the cyber attack are hosted by Ryan Leisure, a Perrysburg Web designer whose company hosts and designs Web sites for about 60 churches. Enlarge A computer hacker took control of more than a dozen church Web sites 
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Toledo Blade
Symantec: Power Grid at Risk — the Disruptors
(TheStreet) — Symantec(SYMC) CEO Enrique Salem has added his voice to the chorus of concern that core US national infrastructure such as the power grid is highly vulnerable to a debilitating cyber attack. “The attackers now are going after everything 
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Lewis: Cyber attacks are rare
Hyperbole over the term “cyber attack” has led to a misapprehension that they are frequent, says James Andrew Lewis, director of the Center for Strategic and International Studies’ technology and public policy program, in a July 11 commentary on the 
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