This week in cyber conflict: August 29th – September 2nd

Leading into the week (over the weekend) there was a bit of a furor over the disclosure of a hacking tool that had an American university address listed. When supposedly the Chinese government yanked the video the hysteria went up. If the Chinese government was responsible it shows a distinct lack of understanding how strategic communication and diplomacy can be effected by errant or taciturn decisions. I’m imagining that there is a television producer somewhere sitting in prison solidly protesting that how did he know the address was American.

In a follow up to previous protestations it is reported that Anonymous is attacking Wikileaks. This is interesting as it was Anonymous was the entity that attacked corporations and groups that were censoring Wikileaks. This schism as shallow as it is shows the weakness of loosely organized confederations. A targeted communication campaign would result in the disenfranchisement of a Wikileaks organization. Regardless of the evidence loose confederacies are like caffeine addicted hyped up on meth amphetamine labrador retrievers. They are easily distracted and when not chasing their own tail trying to be a collective they have a tendency to strike out wildly. That is the architecture of a group that can be abused. Regardless of how smart they are the “wisdom” of crowds can be subverted by the will of mobs.

The week finished out with a lot of discussion over the operational issues of government operating in the cyber domain. I’m not so sure it is as big a problem as most people believe it is, but it is an issue when you have unfettered government action that impacts civilians. It appears most of the argument is a “rice bowl politics” issue and less about appropriate roles and responsibilities.
Monday August 29th

Medical-device users worry they could face cyber-attack
Guelph Mercury
By Janet Moore MINNEAPOLIS — Hundreds of cyber-security geeks watched recently as Jay Radcliffe stood on a Las Vegas stage and hacked into his own insulin pump, disabling its life-saving therapy. The 33-year-old cyber-security researcher said the pump 
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China Yanks Video That Leaked Hacking Tool
By Robert McMillan, IDG News The state-run China Central Television network has yanked a video that inadvertently included a short clip of a cyber-attack tool targeting Falun Gong websites. Posted in mid-July, the video was a documentary entitled “The 
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China’s Economic Sword
In cyberwar, China is probably the world leader and is, as the report cites, responsible for a massive cyberespionage effort. Though the Pentagon report alludes to the likelihood that China is behind major cyberattacks (principally espionage) against 
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Pentagon worried by China’s growing might
The US document says that by building aircraft carriers, missiles and developing cyber warfare, Beijing could potentially destabilise Asia. For more, RT’s joined from California by Conn Hallinan, an expert on Asian military affairs at the Foreign 
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Infrastructure, networks at risk from cyber-attack
 and the longer it delays, the higher the risk that we’ll all pay the price. Mark Russinovich, a cybersecurity and Stuxnet expert, is the author of “Zero Day,” a novel that portrays the collapse of the Internet from a widespread cyber-attack.
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This week in Shanghaiist: UFO’s, cyber war shenanigans & Shanghai Disneyland
We highlighted former US Ambassador to China Jon Huntsman’s assertion that China is a major source of this cyber warfare funny business, only to be provided with video corroboration two days later. A first look at the design aesthetics of Shanghai 
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China yanks video that leaked hacking tool
Macworld UK
The state-run China Central Television network has yanked a video that inadvertently included a short clip of a cyber-attack tool targeting Falun Gong websites. Posted in mid-July, the video was a documentary entitled “The Internet storm is coming! 
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Macworld UK

Tuesday August 30th

Massive Cyber Attack on Epson Korea Poses Future Threat for Many Customers
SPAMfighter News
However, the company responded by saying that though it had revealed the breach earlier, it was delayed in intimating the cyber attack to the Korea Communications Commission (KCC) on August 18, 2011. The company also acknowledged that it informed its 
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Nokia suspends developer forum website following cyber attack
TopNews New Zealand
Finnish handset maker Nokia has confirmed that hackers managed to breach the security of its developer forum website and stole away a database table containing user account information. On Monday, Nokia suspended the website and warned developers that 
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British Student Plots Cyber-Attack
Telecoms News
A British student was charged on Thursday following a police investigation into online attacks in January on sites including MasterCard and PayPal by the international hacking collective ‘Anonymous.’ A 22 year old from Hartlepool, will appear before 
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Telecoms News

Wednesday August 31st

WikiLeaks crashes after cyber attack | Firstpost
WikiLeaks crashes after cyber attack. Aug 31, 2011 #cyber attack #Julian Assange #NewsTracker #United States #Wikileaks · Email Share Comments. London: The WikiLeaks website crashed in an apparent cyberattack after the accelerated 
NewsDaily: WikiLeaks says website was target of cyber attack
WikiLeaks said its website had been the target of a cyber attack late on Tuesday as it proceeded with the release of thousands of previously unpublished U.S. diplomatic cables, some still classified.
NewsDaily: Top Headlines

Thursday September 1st

Major North Korean Cyber Attack on South
FrontPage Magazine
North Korea has also used its cyber warfare capabilities for illicit fundraising. The South Koreans have arrested five citizens for working with a group of 30 North Korean hackers in China. They stole $6 million from online gambling sites over two 
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WikiLeaks Suffers Cyber Attack
PC Magazine
By Leslie Horn WikiLeaks has suffered a cyber attack, on the heels of the news that the organization had suffered a leak of its own, allegedly revealing the names of sources, . WikiLeaks confirmed the attack via Twitter late Tuesday night. 
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Energy Grid: Safe From Cyber Attack?
Discovery News
By Eric Niiler The smart grid promises more efficient energy use but may be more vulnerable to attacks. The nation’s electric utilities are now catching up when it comes to protecting the grid. Some cyber attacks on the grid have already occurred. 
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WikiLeaks says website was target of cyber attack
WikiLeaks said its website had been the target of a cyber attack late on Tuesday. A 21-year-old Kosovo Albanian man confessed to shooting dead two US airmen and wounding two more at Frankfurt airport in March. A suspected suicide car bomb attack killed 
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WikiLeaks Hit by Cyber Attack, Cites New Govt Interest Based on Leak Detailing 
Death and Taxes
Last night, WikiLeaks tweeted that it was undergoing a cyber attack. “ is presently under attack. You can still search US cables here” They also tweeted the rather cryptic and conspiratorial, “What will the 
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Cyber attack targeted at Google users in Iran
Google reported that Gmail users in Iran were at risk of having their log-in information stolen this weekend for an unknown period of time after someone broke into a Dutch Company, DigiNotar, to steal a digital identification card for 
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Cyber attack left HKEx ‘no choice’
Hong Kong Standard
The local bourse had no choice but to suspend trading of seven stocks and more than 400 corresponding derivatives on August 10, when its electronic announcement platform came under attack, said the boss of the exchange operator. 
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Expert says UK cyber-spooks are too preoccupied with launching attacks
by Stuart Sumner A security expert has claimed that the UK is devoting most of its cyber crime fighting efforts to cyber attack, leaving limited resources for defence. Speaking exclusively to Computing, Ross Anderson, professor of security engineering
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Cyber-Attacks Are the Biggest National Security Threat
Appearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee in June, then-CIA Director Leon Panetta said, “The next Pearl Harbor could very well be a cyber-attack that cripples our government, security and financial systems.” The remarks came after recent 
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Discrepancy over cyber responsibilities puts DOD at risk
Defense Systems
By Defense Systems Staff Conflicting statements and a lack of clarity in cyber warfareresponsibilities and expectations has obscured how — and if — US military combat commands should manage cyber operations, an audit from the Government 
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Friday September 2nd

Could a Cyberwar Take Out WikiLeaks?
Fox News
Could even a government cyber-attack take out such an amorphous yet persistent beast? “You’re looking at something that would have to be very comprehensive,” Aitel told “Identify all the infrastructure and personnel and then target them
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Fox News
Two teenagers arrested over cyber attack on FG website
Irish Times
During the attack, which took place in January, the site was modified and the personal information of 2000 site subscribers was stolen and e-mailed to the media. The attack was claimed at the time by international cyber-hacking group Anonymous. 
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Cyberwar: a Whole New Quagmire. Part 1: The Pentagon Cyberstrategy
FM blog (blog)
by Fabius Maximus Summary: In this article by guest author Marcus J. Ranum, he describes what might become one of the primary forms of conflict in the 21st century. How real is the threat? Is the Department of Defense approaching this in a logical way. 
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WikiLeaks – cyber attack downs the site for a period of time
Whistle blower organization WikiLeaks has been targeted in a cyber-attack after a massive leak of US confidential diplomatic cables. The cyber-attack on WikiLeaks comes after the site has sped up its release of diplomatic cables it culled from the US 
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A few crucial servers at were attacked by hackers, the company recently wrote on its website. is the most important distribution facility for a wide range of Linux-based software, as well as for the Linux kernel itself. 
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Sony CEO Howard Stringer Speaks Out about the PlayStation Network Cyber Attack
The PSN platform survived a massive cyber attack which resulted in the stealing of the informational details of millions of customers. The company faced severe criticism from customers and regulators following the attack and shut down the service to 
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SSL Certificate Hack Could Result In Raised Security Standards: Partners
By Stefanie Hoffman, CRN A recent cyber attack against SSL provider DigiNotar has left Google, Mozilla and an untold number of domains scrambling to blacklist the rogue certificates that have jeopardized the security of their networks. 
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INFORMATION WARFARE: The Laws Of War And Cyber Warriors
Strategy Page
September 2, 2011: Cyber War is confounding lawyers because attacks via the Internet can do enormous damage, and are sometimes carried out by civilians. How do you deal with that? There are rules for hackers in uniform, but not for the irregulars. 
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Cyberattacks popular way to conduct social protest
San Francisco Chronicle
Cyberattacks of all types are on the rise, as hackers snatch sensitive information or impede information systems in acts of espionage, theft, cyber warfare or, increasingly, public demonstrations. Government departments often don’t have the staffing, 
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Guard facilities get upgrade
The News Journal
Tech-savvy airmen and women sit at a couple of dozen stations before a panel of monitors and engage in mock cyber-warfare exercises, simulating large-scale attacks on a public water utility, subway system or other critical infrastructure. 
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