Dungeons and Data Centers

Dungeon Master: You are standing in a brilliant lit server roomed filled with millions of dollars in sunk legacy server costs.

You: Roll the dice and advance.

Dungeon Master: A DevOps ghoul jumps out from behind an IBM 360 running your payroll system. What do you do?

You: Roll the dice, and smite the ghoul with +4 regulatory requirements.

Dungeon Master: You successfully killed the ghoul but the CIO has started a DevOps pilot and taken your three best developers. Health 75%. Roll to advance.

You: Roll to advance.

Dungeon Master: A recruiter is hiding by the entrance to the server room and snatches two of your sysadmins. What do you do?

You: Invoke retention incentives and spell of chief financial officer.

Dungeon Master: Spell fails because the CFO is on the golf course with CEO. Health 50%. Roll to advance.

You: Roll to advance.

Dungeon Master: You turn the corner to find an ogre attempting to install a worm in the production database server. What do you do?

You: Invoke virus protection!

Dungeon Master: Spell fails it is using a 0 day. Health 40%. What do you do?

You: Invoke intrusion protection system!

Dungeon Master: Spell fails but the guise of the ogre drops. It is the CEO surfing porn with the production server app open in admin mode. Health 30%.

You: Invoke web filtering protocol!

Dungeon Master: The worm successfully infects the production server and the CEO wants to know why all the systems failed. Health 10%.

You: Invoke update LinkedIn profile.

Dungeon Master: You are standing in a brilliant lit server roomed filled with millions of dollars in sunk legacy server costs.

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