Our first update has lots of new developments! This is one of my favorites parts of growing a garden. We have sprouts, blooms and even a tomato!
The beans, peas and carrots have all sprouted and are looking good! It is always exciting to see that first sprout push through the soil. We will have to thin the carrots, but not for a week or so.
The zucchini and the yellow squash have blooms and a lot of them! It is probably too soon to start giving away the squashes, but if these blooms are any indication we are in for a bountiful harvest!
And, most exciting of all – we have a tomato! This is on the Patio tomato. The plant had blooms when I bought it, but I never expected to see a tomato already.
We are off to a great start. All the plants still look good and are adapting to their new upside down location. I can hardly wait for next week’s update!