Baby boomers….

They were born from the greatest generation. Their parents lived through depression, fought in an enormous war, and built the American economy and industry. The parents of the baby boomers created the American dream and then spoiled it into delirium that became their children.

The baby boomers grew up in the 1960’s. Fought the man and gave their lives for civil rights, voters acts, reduced the drinking age, and created an enormous body of laws by civil disobedience to garner more rights.

The baby boomers fought for a “summer of love”, said don’t trust anybody over 30. Burned their draft cards. Protested against those same parents who gave them a decade of wealth and created “The Man” who put them down.

The baby boomers can never be forgiven for their worst abomination. Disco. The 70’s were the decade of drugs, sex, white suits and bad drug films. Excess of everything clashed with good sense and excess won. Who can fight the monster of baby boomers? Do more drugs. What do those tight wads know and LSD is good stuff.

The generation of excess grew into the decade of “Just say no”. The 1980’s and uncle Ronnie will fight the scourge while it’s bed time for Bonzo. So simple. We’ll have a war on drugs, on poverty, and anything else we disagree with. The baby boomers got religion and everybody else better sit down and listen. We can export the American way and by the way greed is good. Sell the souls of our children for a BMW? Does it have a sunroof? I’ll take one in blue. Everybody got an MBA and the most educated generation on the planet gave up on civil rights and started making everything illegal. MADD? Let’s turn civic consciousness into rights removing and the strawmen of logic. While the baby boomers made all their previous defining mistakes illegal and immoral in the same breath.

Then we have the 90’s. The baby boomers who had parents who stayed home with them, and few of them saw mom go to work, go on to create an economic trojan horse. Their children grow up in day care and go off to college as baggage only to show up for office parties trotted out like the new Mercedes in the garage. The baby boomers who are the most educated generation ever in the history of the world weren’t listening when their parents taught them about sacrifice. Where the baby boomers went to college on the cheap their money mismanagement left their children the most leveraged generation.

A twist of fate and the baby boomers enter their 60 with the turn of the millennium. Of course the most pandered to generation has tried to say that 60 is the new 30. No it’s not it’s freaking 60 and get over the gray hair. The children of the baby boomers are the maligned gen X’rs forgotten as children by their parents who were late for the country club appointment. Disabused by the excess and politics of societal control the X’rs bare children to a hostile world and the millennials will likely be the janitor generation.

The cacophony response to criticism of the baby boomers is to call their children whiny, self serving, slackers who have no clue about their great deeds. The baby boomers set out to take the man down and become a hundred times worst. Where their parents gave them everything and boomers denigrated them. The boomers have given their children nothing except debt, pollution, international drama, the foreign policy created for the most selfish reasons and all at the expense of anybody else but them.

The millenials have to fight for everything. They fight the wars for the boomers. They fight for economics ruined in the excess of domestic and military spending brought on by boomers fears. The millenials fight for their rights in a plutocracy of misdeeds and special interests. The greatest generation is the one that is cleaning up after the boomers and the apathetic X’rs. While the boomers whine about how they did so much they forget how they’ve basically undone everything they did in their fears of getting old.

History won’t be kind because the truth is that with all of the great people who were boomers the generation itself wasn’t a boom. The generation called boomers were a dud. But, the x’rs and millennials rarely whine about the childish and selfish boomers. They know they will be the ones staffing the nursing homes and holding the reigns when the last boomer dies and the work of rebuilding a country begins. Hopefully the millenials don’t make the same mistake their grandparents did.

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