First off, I am not an expert on Russia or even a political scientist. In the first...
Strongly suggested viewing for students and professionals that are going to be doing presentations. Matthew McCullough walks you...
I ask the why question a lot. Partly it is because I’m a scientist of sorts, but...
The following is an example of a proposal I wrote to bring enhanced information assurance and security...
Cyber is a technology mediated domain of human and systems interactions. Where: Human <-> Human Human <->...
Based off the concepts discussed in class and using the touchstones we’ve been discussing this represents a...
For courses on Wednesday 2/5 I will NOT be having class. All courses on Purdue campus are...
I get asked because I have a degree what I know. I get challenged because I have...
In my class I told my students this simple test. With each successive significant change in power...
Course Description: Consumer technologies are rapidly moving forward with items integrating processing, storage, and transmission into their...
Course Description: This course will examine the spectrum of conflict from crime through cyber warfare. Specific case...