EDIT 2/27/2012 — A lot of people are showing up looking at this lately. I have an...
Contention: There is a contention that cyber is the electromagnetic spectrum and that point is countered by...
Unlike a lot of technologists I don’t have a bevy of personal computers I use. I only...
I see a problem with the continuing move toward corporate science. As corporations upgrade their research arms...
Another graphic from Sam’s little black book of ideas. This graphic is based on a lot of...
Abstract This paper discusses the issues of technology, music, and the intersection with social movements such as...
David Ronfeldt and John Arquilla in the early 2000s discussed as part of Network-centric Warfare the concept...
Abstract The objective of this paper is to provide information on how to create a course that...
Abstract The requisite behavior of paranoia in dealing with information assurance and security topics building towards a...
Abstract Can we accept that the security of information is not the same as the security of...
Abstract When the Internet began a small group of users were involved in the project, and the...
The following image is the one that you’d never expect. It is a graph from a fairly...
Beguiling sound and visuals aside this is a revolutionary method of interacting with computers. The primary concepts...
If you look at the form and function of technology much of it is built upon the...