DISCLAIMER: In this post I talk about specific medications that I take and how I take them....
Sydney Liles
Cycle 2 has been largely uneventful. Yeah! I had the usual bone and joint pain from the...
This time is different. 1 day, outpatient. No PICC line or port, just an IV.
I left you with a bit of a cliffhanger last time. I spent 2 days talking to...
Let’s science the sh!t out of this. My pathology report came in late on New Year’s Eve....
I guess it’s never really over. Going through treatment for non-Hodgkins Lymphoma was brutal. It was scary....
Life’s not fair. I am sure we have all heard this too many times to count. Let...
I was recently asked if I would share my experience of when I went vegetarian, how I...
It has been a year post chemo. When I finished chemo and radiation I thought that was...
Here we are in the middle of 2020, arguably the strangest year in a very long time....
It has been a couple of years since we did any official holiday greetings so we thought...
The past month has been a steady pace of radiation treatments. Nothing exciting, just going in everyday...
First a good news update. Remember that DVT (blood clot in my arm)? I had an ultrasound...
So…I have good news and I have not as good news. First the good news. The eight...
There is a lot of waiting involved in cancer treatment. A lot. Even when there is some...