February 23, 2025

2 thoughts on “Behind this hatch (door to civilians) works a United States Marine

  1. Another “OORAH” from this corner of the peanut gallery (though my Robert DeNiro could use some work).

    I never served, but both my parents were active duty WW vets. Wonderful post by Sam, but one small comment I have: I like to think of the Marines as being skilled at winning and finishing wars, not “making war.” The latter just makes more enemies. Let the bad guys fire the first shot. Let the good guys make sure they never shoot again.

    Thank you, Sam, for supporting the true soldier: the rifleman as a natural warrior on the front lines… and the Marines as the bravest, brightest and best. I realize we have to always have to be steps ahead of our foes, but I hope technology never takes away the need for learning how and why and what it means for a soldier to hold a sword and rifle.

    I will mark November 10th on my calendar, too.


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