I’ve been thinking about how the structure of the intelligence community and specifically technical collection activities are...
Most people are well aware that a 29 year old NSA contractor has released various levels of...
Just a debacle. Over the last two weeks I’ve watched quietly as a process played out here...
Cyber warfare by Lt. Gen. Clarence E. McKnight Jr. at Huffpost World I spent a lifetime in the...
Currently the twitterverse, and mass media, is alight with the flames of drone war. What sparked this...
Everybody is looking for the next big war. Earlier today Galrahn tweeted a link to a story...
I have a hypothesis that I doubt I can prove nor do I really have time to...
First, there is no such thing as cyber warfare. There is war in the cyber domain and...
He is an anachronism as the current longest-serving government leader. He is Andrew Marshall the strategist not...
I did away with another social media service. Buh bye LinkedIn. Why? In the what is becoming...
Lots of discussion in the mainstream press about every fortune 500 being hacked, the <insert name> government...
Let’s face it, we all like things that are new and shiny. When given a choice most...
On my two hour run today I was thinking about information security and the research vectors that...
This is a little bit of a rant. I have been noticing an increase in over the...
Abstract This paper discusses the issues of technology, music, and the intersection with social movements such as...