February 23, 2025

3 thoughts on “Experienced Rider Course: Considering risk in the activity of motorcycling

  1. Excellent, Sam!

    I took the ERC some years ago. I swear I didn’t learn any of this stuff!

    Talking about extreme risk… in 2007 I had the wise idea to ride to Sturgis, South Dakota – nonstop. I left Washington DC at noon on Friday and arrived at the South Dakota border 24 hours later… I kept falling asleep while riding and I knew I was dangerous beyond belief. One time I was riding in the right lane, fell asleep and woke up just as I was about to enter the median strip of grass. That scared the bejesus out of me, so I gave up, called a friend and crashed at their home. I’m not a young whippersnapper like you anymore…

    1. I always figure it is better to stop and rest than push up daisies. In marathon running they call it “going slower to go fast.” I like to ride long distances and see things in a way others don’t but I also like to make sure I’m as safe as possible. I’ve ridden from LA to Jacksonville in around 50 hours. I need to do that ride again to get a 50CC plate. Wait until you see the new ride.

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