February 23, 2025

2 thoughts on “Lessons in writing: Tools, techniques, methods for writing

  1. An interesting post. I’m currently engaged on my phd and any inspiration on writing is welcome.

    I’m also using a Macbook Pro (having seen the light two years ago) and I’d endorse what you say about its productivity an stability.

    Endnote came as an absolute revelation to me when I first started my research. Its a shame it does not integrate with Pages. Omnigraffle is indeed a great little tool for graphics.

    For gathering and managing my material I use Devonthink Pro (http://www.devon-technologies.com/products/devonthink/index.html), which allows for good pdf management alongside capturing web page archives (via Safari/Firefox extensions and scripts) and pretty much any other file format. Its got some clever search and classification tools as well.

    Your final point about preparation and research is well taken.

  2. Thank you for the comment and DevonThink looks pretty good. I really like how nice Pages works (can’t say that often enough!). It looks like I will be upgrading to Word 2008 in the next few days we’ll see how that works out.

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