Cyber is a short hand for something we don’t understand but we’ll lump it under the word...
Just a debacle. Over the last two weeks I’ve watched quietly as a process played out here...
There have been requests for my menu for Easter Dinner. So, I am posting it here. (Warning:...
Mr. Lewis Shepherd of Microsoft came to Purdue to give a talk for CERIAS awhile back and...
My family loves pasta! All kinds of pasta and lots of different pasta sauces. Some of our...
Vacation. It’s one of those words that caused me as a kid to tremble a bit. To...
Cyber warfare by Lt. Gen. Clarence E. McKnight Jr. at Huffpost World I spent a lifetime in the...
Currently the twitterverse, and mass media, is alight with the flames of drone war. What sparked this...
When we talk about cyber weapons a point that often gets missed is that because cyber is...
Click on any image for a gallery view.
The following is an Air Force film on motorcycle safety. The film is from 1967 and starts...
Everybody is looking for the next big war. Earlier today Galrahn tweeted a link to a story...
Last Saturday I made a little trip to the St. Lois area where I met up with...