United States doctrine and force structure is built around the domains of air, sea, land, space and...
A few videos have hit Youtube recently. One references the content in the other. I really like...
I’m no genius. I’m not the best at anything I do and as my recent foot races...
This is not a call for some halcyon day of some spring of previous years. Nor, is...
There is a thread of discussion that rises about whether cyber or the electro magnetic spectrum define...
I’ve been a federal government employe for almost exactly 11 months. In that period of time I...
I make a lot of money talking about cyber security and cyber warfare so I most assuredly...
Waging cyber warfare is seen as a technology problem by technologists, a policy problem by politicians, and...
Higher education exists to terrorize and bankrupt students with tuition costs (double, triple, insert value here) the...
I have successfully defended my dissertation for a PhD from Purdue University. The title of the dissertation...
In our vegetarian experiment we have tried a number of meat substitutes. We have tried tofu, tempeh,...