Watch enough bad science fiction and you can tell that science fiction as a genre has often...
The obvious grammatical effluvia of academic discourse wrapped in the absent specter of Pericles pen shows the...
Sam was invited and appointed to the U.S. effort technical advisory group working on the “Societal Security”...
I have been watching Star Trek since 3rd grade. I have always loved Gene Roddenberry’s view of...
There is an old saying, and to be honest I do not know the veracity of it,...
Abstract This paper will discuss the cultural factors of hydrogen fueled vehicles in the Kingdom of Spain....
Introduction Higher education is often challenged by the competing interests of society and the individual student who...
We are back after two days off line. The Houston data center where our server is located...
In the happenstance world of the modern University system and the massive shift to large scale educational...
All nations call upon their citizens in time of need. When the diplomacy of words ends, and...
I have this fantasy that the warrior scholar elite can happen in my life time. Yes I...
This semesters text book adoptions.
Students in my ITS 472 Networking Architecture course have completed a network design replicating the Navy Marine...
Part of the problem with considering students as customers rather than students is a difference in perspective...