February 23, 2025

3 thoughts on “Review and commentary: Blog Wars by David D. Perlmutter

  1. Sam, You’ve been on a tear lately! Good post, though I’m not sure I’ll buy the book. Did Perlmutter also include a category for “Exhibitionists” who like to blog for no reason other than to expose a hapless world to their ideas? (Sometimes I think that’s where I fit…. 🙂

  2. Hi: In BLOGWARS I do talk about the longstanding critique (from Samuel Johnson to Cyril Connolly) of those who have not “earned” their credentials to speak to the many through traditional means (like say a degree or writing books) but do so anyway. I also quote in a famous panel of Calvin & Hobbes, where Bill Watterson has his iconic “small boy” protagonist proclaim: “I feel I have an obligation to keep a journal of my thoughts. . . . Being a genius, my ideas are naturally more important and interesting than other people’s. So I figure the world would benefit from a record of my mental activities.”

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