Author: Samuel Liles

Thinning My Patronage of YouTube Sailing Channels

This is a continuation of some of my thinking on the evolving paradigm of patronage and support of YouTube sailing channels.. The crew of Eoti has been supporters of YouTube Sailing Channels for quite some time. Over the last decade…

Who should the CISO report to: Maybe the title is the issue

Consistently I see the principle questioned about to whom a CISO should report. The CISO role in most companies was modeled after federal regulation. In the original federal government FISMA legislation, the CISO was set to report to the CIO…

On the security of electronic election infrastructure

I keep getting asked to interview on the topic of election system security and whether I think there is enough being done, whether I think there are risks, and what I think about what is being done. I always direct…

EOTI Float Plan: Beaufort, NC to Annapolis, MD Saturday August 14th 2021 to Monday August 16th 2021

Weather Conditions: Weather window opened up and will require cranking through the a tide change Saturday morning. Timing is critical for getting into the bay with tide and wind on Sunday evening. Saturday – Southwest winds 5 to 10 knots, becoming south…

Teaser: Concept Map of YouTube Sailing Channels

Interactive map of YouTube Sailing Channels I’ve published a few times on FaceBook and other places. Apparently I never published it here! This represents analysis of narrative structure, vendors, largish categories, and what not. There are well over a thousand…