Category: Digital Forensics Incident Response

Computer forensics, network forensics, small device forensics, and other forms of digital, and computer based forensics along with associated investigative considerations.

FireEye becomes Solarwinds

Rather than throw more ink on the evolving story of the recent breaches of two security companies. The goal of this short piece is to give actionable insight into things you can do recovering from a vendor exposure. As expected,…

Incident Response to the FireEye Tool Exposure

There will be a lot of ink spilled on this topic. My only goal with this simple write up is to provide actionable objectives. As such we’re going to start out with a few things to start out the conversation.…

Attribution of cyber adversaries

Key Points: Attribution has three distinct layers; political, technical, and forensic with each having different confidence levels and analysis strategies Adversaries must interact with systems to exploit them and this creates evidence or anomalies that can be used for attribution…

Digital forensic books

A not comprehensive reading list. Some of these are new, some are old, but they give a good overview of the discipline. If the book has exercises it is a good idea to do them.   Operating System and Platform…