Category: Politics

Generational assumptions of warfare

I’ve been looking at generational warfare from a slightly different perspective. As we have agricultural revolutions, industrial revolutions, and the information revolution it appears there is a corresponding relationship to the generations of warfare. We did not give up agriculture…

Military Bloggers

The following post is in response to the Wired news story that members of the Army are specifically banned from posting on Blogs. This is of specific interest as Blogs have served as a “lessons learned” and educational tools form…

Privacy and terrorism

In the restriction of personal freedom for perceived security rarely do you gain that security you crave. You loose freedom in a iterative and piecemeal way leaving a hungry feeling for the freedoms lost. Reactionary political fascism has never resulted…

Let’s be positive

Americans are sick and tired of hearing how much your opponent sucks. Petty name calling of your opponents proves an utter arrogance of the political process that reeks with the fetid and rancid rancor of illegitimate discussion. Providing a forum…

Hacking Democracy

Have you seen the HBO documentary Hacking Democracy? I watched it on Google Video a few hours ago. I have spent the intervening hours trying to collect and articulate my thoughts. To say I am upset is an understatement. I…

Hyper Political Action

The hyper-politicization you’re seeing is part of your increasing maturity as regards media. The fact is that American media has always been a highly tumultuous and terribly biased organ of information dissemination. Unfortunately most people never realize that simple fact.…