Category: Family

A day with NBEF

The punishing sound of the alarm clock punches through the dreams of warm beaches and sunshine. Those soft jabs in the ribs my spouse loves to bestow on an early Saturday morning have my feet hitting the floor. Some time…

Insanity from a new JOAD dad

So, I’m a father of 3 sons. Twin six year olds, and a fourteen year old honest to goodness moppy read headed gangling fourteen year old. You would think that having three boys would never be an issue, but then…

February 1, 1986

This is the story of a life changing event. As a young Marine and father it is a very personal tale. The story is true to the best of my recollection, but some of it is filled in with the…

A story about my father

The things I remember about a particular man. The soft quiet demeanor of the unassuming man I called father. There is a quiet eloquence to any mans conduct who is so sure of himself. The sure analysis that needs not…