Category: Technology

The term “technology” does not follow the same linguistic pattern as “biology” and “geology” because its etymology is different. While “biology” and “geology” are derived from Greek roots, with “bio” meaning life and “geo” meaning Earth, “technology” has Latin roots.

“Technology” comes from the combination of two Greek words: “techne,” meaning skill or art, and “logia,” meaning study or science. So, the term “technology” literally means the study or science of skills or arts. It reflects a broader concept that goes beyond the study of a specific substance (like life or the Earth) to encompass a wide range of human-made tools, systems, and techniques.

My Epic if sad fight with Dell

I was asked why after buying Dell computers for so many years and recommending them for so long “How come I no longer use or recommend Dell” Quite honestly after purchasing with my money (I provide all of my own…

Choose the operating system

The use of a particular operating system should not be determined by the current hype surrounding it. Unfortunately the fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) game is played by both the Linux, MacOS, and Windows groupies. When choosing an operating system…

Hacking Democracy

Have you seen the HBO documentary Hacking Democracy? I watched it on Google Video a few hours ago. I have spent the intervening hours trying to collect and articulate my thoughts. To say I am upset is an understatement. I…

Hyper Political Action

The hyper-politicization you’re seeing is part of your increasing maturity as regards media. The fact is that American media has always been a highly tumultuous and terribly biased organ of information dissemination. Unfortunately most people never realize that simple fact.…