Category: Cyber Conflict

State on State conflict using a variety of assets within and outside of cyberspace to create specific effects as a form of projection of power.

Let’s talk about cyber warfare

Cyber is a short hand for something we don’t understand but we’ll lump it under the word cyber because it is sexy. Cyber can be networks, processing, storage of information, the information itself, cognition, social interaction, and so much more.…

Cyber warfare: Huffingtonpost

Cyber warfare by Lt. Gen. Clarence E. McKnight Jr. at Huffpost World I spent a lifetime in the military and, while I love the officers and troops without reservation, I hate the greed and poor judgment that motivates certain segments of…

The hegemony of bureacracy

Hegemony – the political dominance of one state over another Bureaucracy –  An unelected government organization that makes rules, laws, and policy What we have growing in the arena of cyber policy is a hegemonic bureaucracy filled with all of…

Generations of cyber weapons

The discussion of the concept of cyber warfare weapons jumps between a few threads that make them harder to understand than really is needed. One of the conceptual problems is that there are types or generations of cyber weapons and…

The cyber force matrix

There has been a lot of ink spilled on the idea of nation-state activities in cyber space and much of that discussion has been centered on military activities in the domain. Though interesting this misses the concept that a nation…