EOTI Refit: Life Raft

The Plastimo 6 person LifeRaft that came with the boat was due for inspection in June 2018. We bought the boat in March and sailed down the Atlantic Coast figuring that it would likely be just fine. In June we…

Plot Twist: You have cancer

You know how life is going along and everything is good, really good. You have a great job, live on your boat, you’re empty nesters, and everything seems to be falling into place. Then…PLOT TWIST! This really is my life.…

EOTI Refit: Zarcor Doors

Use cases are important to understand and are usually the case upon which most people argue. I would remind the reader this is how I am refitting my boat and you may take a different path on your refit. We…

EOTI Refit: Mattresses

If you are going to live and cruise on a boat you are going to want to sleep. We never want to feel like we are camping. We want to have the live aboard lifestyle with out the fuss and…

Plot twist: It is all good

This is the life of all good. In March 2018 Sydney and I set out to live on a boat, sail, and work at our new awesome jobs. We are having a blast. Baseball games, awesome co-workers, an excellent boat, and…

Living infosec

I don’t know how to explain it. I don’t know how to make it relevant to you or others. I can see it, feel it, and know it. It isn’t war. It isn’t a battle. It isn’t personal.  When you…