Watch enough bad science fiction and you can tell that science fiction as a genre has often used specific plot devices to grapple with current fears of the public. Even the Department of Homeland Security realizes the worth of looking…
Category: Politics
Higher Education: Recession proof, perhaps, fuel cost sensitive, definitely
There is an old saying, and to be honest I do not know the veracity of it, “Booze, gambling and cigarettes are recession proof. The businesses of sin always make a profit.” I do not have any idea where it…
A study of hydrogen fueled vehicles and Spain
Abstract This paper will discuss the cultural factors of hydrogen fueled vehicles in the Kingdom of Spain. A variety of cultural inventories are used to score and evaluate the ability of Spain to adopt new technologies alongside ethnographic studies of…
America at five (or more) dollars a gallon: Well on our way to a paradigm shift in services and society
Where will America be when gasoline prices continue to rise, and the transportation costs of goods and people become exponentially bigger than expected? North America is roughly twice the size (42 million Km^2) of Europe (10 million Km^2) but has…
Shame on you! All of you!
That’s it! I am done! I am done with the main stream media (MSM). I am done with the BS bloggers. Done. We are holding a presidential election. We are trying to determine who will lead us for the next…
Hacking a computer with a microphone
While talking with one of my students tonight I was reminded of this article. How about using a microphone to hack the key of a system? Using acoustic signature to get the encryption key and other information as a passive…
The Air Force is moving ahead with work on the cyber command
The Air Force is moving ahead with work on the cyber command (LINK). Air Force moving ahead with Cyber Command The Air Force is moving ahead on establishing its new Cyber Command, searching for permanent facilities and planning meetings to…
Future technology
The Army has embarked on a 200 billion dollar project to increase the technology that it uses and has some interesting implications. When we talk about security we often talk about defense in depth. In computers it is a series…
A mild rebuttal to John Robb’s open source warfare
“The US military is on the slow path to the realization that nation-building — from reconstruction to other forms of traditional COIN dogma that serve to return legitimacy to the government — doesn’t work. Politics and populations in our new…
Baby boomers….
They were born from the greatest generation. Their parents lived through depression, fought in an enormous war, and built the American economy and industry. The parents of the baby boomers created the American dream and then spoiled it into delirium…
Cyber-warfare threat or hype?
Center of gravity constructs look at the strategic, operational, and tactical elements of an adversary to identify weak points in the over all capability of resistance. Cyber-warfare attacks the computing and communication infrastructure of the adversary through a variety of…
Economic collapse
Is it possible that economic warfare could be waged on the United States or that we could be in the middle of a form of economic warfare? Some would say business is warfare and there is an expansive library of…
We are in a time of crisis, but what does that mean?
When people defend the Patriot Act, the warrant-less wiretaps, and the other infringements on American civil liberties, they often point out that we are in a time of crisis and these sorts of things are necessary during a crisis. What…
Dear Britney!
I think I may be the only person who really feels sorry for Britney Spears. I do not find any kind of entertainment in watching the interviews or the VMAs where she performs very badly. When I look at Britney,…
Counter Insurgency (COIN) as different levels of war
It seems like a lot of people have defined counter-insurgency doctrine at different levels of war. I’ve been trying to construct a VENN diagram showing elements of low intensity conflict for a project and came up with some things that…