Category: Technology

The term “technology” does not follow the same linguistic pattern as “biology” and “geology” because its etymology is different. While “biology” and “geology” are derived from Greek roots, with “bio” meaning life and “geo” meaning Earth, “technology” has Latin roots.

“Technology” comes from the combination of two Greek words: “techne,” meaning skill or art, and “logia,” meaning study or science. So, the term “technology” literally means the study or science of skills or arts. It reflects a broader concept that goes beyond the study of a specific substance (like life or the Earth) to encompass a wide range of human-made tools, systems, and techniques.

Incident Response to the FireEye Tool Exposure

There will be a lot of ink spilled on this topic. My only goal with this simple write up is to provide actionable objectives. As such we’re going to start out with a few things to start out the conversation.…

Wild Techdom

Hi, I’m Mitchel and this is my assistant Ron. Welcome to Wild Techdom supported by Mutual of Bromaha. Today we travel to the far off wilds of the cube mazes of Silicon Valley. These are dangerous lands with an entire…

Beware the professional path. There be dragons here

So, there I was talking to some people and I talked about focus of my career not being the same as longevity in my job. You see, long before the gig economy I started moving between jobs and looking for…

Socrates and the Consensus Leader

“You’re always telling me what to do!” “You never tell me what to do!” “You’re to lazy to actually lead!”   A subordinate in a stressful situation can make a lot of allegations but the root of the problem may…

Dungeons and Data Centers

Dungeon Master: You are standing in a brilliant lit server roomed filled with millions of dollars in sunk legacy server costs. You: Roll the dice and advance. Dungeon Master: A DevOps ghoul jumps out from behind an IBM 360 running…