Category: Technology

The term “technology” does not follow the same linguistic pattern as “biology” and “geology” because its etymology is different. While “biology” and “geology” are derived from Greek roots, with “bio” meaning life and “geo” meaning Earth, “technology” has Latin roots.

“Technology” comes from the combination of two Greek words: “techne,” meaning skill or art, and “logia,” meaning study or science. So, the term “technology” literally means the study or science of skills or arts. It reflects a broader concept that goes beyond the study of a specific substance (like life or the Earth) to encompass a wide range of human-made tools, systems, and techniques.

The IED’s of Cyber-warfare

I am concerned that policy and the legislative agenda is making basic assumptions about the relationship of information assurance and security and cyber-warfare that may not be accurate. Some of the issues are illuminated when government and corporate information security…

Future technology

The Army has embarked on a 200 billion dollar project to increase the technology that it uses and has some interesting implications. When we talk about security we often talk about defense in depth. In computers it is a series…