Category: Cyber Conflict

State on State conflict using a variety of assets within and outside of cyberspace to create specific effects as a form of projection of power.

The IED’s of Cyber-warfare

I am concerned that policy and the legislative agenda is making basic assumptions about the relationship of information assurance and security and cyber-warfare that may not be accurate. Some of the issues are illuminated when government and corporate information security…

Cyber-warfare threat or hype?

Center of gravity constructs look at the strategic, operational, and tactical elements of an adversary to identify weak points in the over all capability of resistance. Cyber-warfare attacks the computing and communication infrastructure of the adversary through a variety of…

Generational assumptions of warfare

I’ve been looking at generational warfare from a slightly different perspective. As we have agricultural revolutions, industrial revolutions, and the information revolution it appears there is a corresponding relationship to the generations of warfare. We did not give up agriculture…

Hyper Political Action

The hyper-politicization you’re seeing is part of your increasing maturity as regards media. The fact is that American media has always been a highly tumultuous and terribly biased organ of information dissemination. Unfortunately most people never realize that simple fact.…