Tag: Health

Plot Twist: Chemo – Cycle 2 (of 6)

The first chemo cycle was a completely new experience filled with many unknowns. The unknowns definitely added to my anxiety. This second cycle had far fewer unknowns and the anxiety levels have been significantly lower. In fact, it felt a…

Plot Twist: Hair

Our hair is a huge part of our identity. It is often called a woman’s crowning glory. I have had long and very long hair most of my adult life. By very long, I mean past my butt. My hair…

Plot Twist: Chemo – Cycle 1 (of 6)

My treatment is what they call EPOCH – a combination of very nasty drugs that kill cancer (die you f*cker). Due to the nature of my chemo treatment, I am in the hospital for each round. I will have 6…

Plot Twist: Showers in the hospital

Or not…as the case may be. One of the hardest things for me prior to being admitted to the hospital for 4 (now 5) days of inpatient chemotherapy was knowing what to expect. What would I be allowed to do?…

Plot Twist: The PICC line

WARNING: There are graphic pictures included. If you are squeamish now is your chance to look away. What is a PICC line? A PICC Line is  Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter. Basically it is a long thin tube inserted directly into…

Plot Twist: Holidays, appointments, and adventure

This is not the ideal way to spend the holidays. I was supposed to be on vacation with my family, sailing to the Bahamas, relaxing in the sun and playing in the warm blue water. Instead I spent the week…

Plot Twist: You have cancer

You know how life is going along and everything is good, really good. You have a great job, live on your boat, you’re empty nesters, and everything seems to be falling into place. Then…PLOT TWIST! This really is my life.…