Author: Samuel Liles

Example Laboratory Paper

Here is an example of an APA 5 laboratory that meets most of the requirements. With some comments. It doesn’t follow APA 5 exactly but the changes (bolding, accenting, etc.) help rather than hinder the readability of the report. Laboratory…

Future technology

The Army has embarked on a 200 billion dollar project to increase the technology that it uses and has some interesting implications. When we talk about security we often talk about defense in depth. In computers it is a series…

Baby boomers….

They were born from the greatest generation. Their parents lived through depression, fought in an enormous war, and built the American economy and industry. The parents of the baby boomers created the American dream and then spoiled it into delirium…

Cyber-warfare threat or hype?

Center of gravity constructs look at the strategic, operational, and tactical elements of an adversary to identify weak points in the over all capability of resistance. Cyber-warfare attacks the computing and communication infrastructure of the adversary through a variety of…

Economic collapse

Is it possible that economic warfare could be waged on the United States or that we could be in the middle of a form of economic warfare? Some would say business is warfare and there is an expansive library of…

Spring 2008 Course “Book Adoptions”

63873, 64058 ITS 130 Platform Technologies (T-Th 08:00 – 09:50pm) Eckert, Jason W. & Schitka, M. John, “MCSE Guide to Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network, Enhanced“ Thomson Course Technology, 2005, ISBN 0619217537 63863 ITS 135 Operating Systems Technologies…