Author: Samuel Liles

12 Months of OCR Data Breach Data

Using ChatGPT to analyze government data, looking for interesting trends or information. Date of Analysis: 9 May 2024 Total Data Rows The total number of data rows in the dataset is 973 rows (edited). 5-Number Summary for the Number of…

You ain’t you

From a scientific perspective, the human body is remarkably empty. Atoms, the building blocks of all matter, are almost entirely vacant, with a tiny nucleus surrounded by a vast cloud of electrons. This emptiness extends into our cells, where organelles…

Trippy hippy parents and life on a boat

The day I decided to leave it all behind was surprisingly ordinary, yet it was the culmination of a journey that had taken me through various experiences. The usual hum of office chatter, the fluorescent lights that never seemed to…

With a movie about the US Civil War coming out: What would be its impact on the Bahamas and the Caribbean? 

With a movie about the United States Civil War being released, my thoughts as a full-time cruiser turn towards the impact on many places where we have made friends. The locals turning against cruisers during the early days of COVID…

It’s so easy to never go

May I impart some unsolicited advice, from one adventurer to another? Land, with its comforting solidity, holds a captivating grip on the soul. Within its embrace dwell the three queens: fear, remorse, and guilt. They lurk in the shadows, ready…

Gen x’d lessons of DGAS and DILLIGAF

I was reflecting on leaders I’ve had and how they have impacted me over time. Whether it is the guy who ran the gas station, who told me he hired me as a joke that he could hold over my…

Marine Corps Birthday and Veterans Day

The pressure builds in your gut. You can feel it working up towards your chest while the air inside you is pressed out. Many guys spray the rancid remains of their last few meals about this time. The ear-splitting sonic…

Israel v. Gaza

Now and then, I look into my crystal ball. This is usually a dark place. Having the will to look where others ignore has a certain level of nihilism. It is not that somebody advocates for evil to triumph, but…

CISO Presenting to the Board: Some suggestions for a deck

Presenting cybersecurity information to a board of directors can be daunting, especially for new Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs). With board members often focusing on governance, compliance, and risk management, crafting a clear, concise, and informative presentation is crucial. In…

SEC Proposes Cybersecurity Regulations

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has recently proposed a series of cybersecurity regulations aimed at entities in the financial services sector. These proposals are part of the SEC’s efforts to address the growing cybersecurity risks faced by securities…

SolarWinds Executives Receive Wells Notices from SEC over Cyberattack Response

Introduction: We hope to provide an overview of the recent developments involving SolarWinds, a Texas-based IT infrastructure management vendor, and the issuance of Wells notices by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to certain executives, including Chief Financial Officer…